Roebic SMP-1000-PAK-1 Septic System Maintenance Kit provides the most productive advisable maintenance package to keep your plumbing system operating at peak performance. The kit contains Septic Tank Remedy, Leach and Drain Field Remedy, Soap, Grease, and Paper Digester, and Main Line Cleaner for comprehensive 1-year septic maintenance at your fingertips. Simply use one step each and every 3 months. No more wondering what to use or running out to shop for a product to help with a problem. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4! For over 50 years, Roebic has developed prime quality products engineered for optimum performance, targeting specific problems and troublesome areas within the septic system. Accept as true with Roebic, The Septic Professionals, for your whole septic and drain care needs.
COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM KIT: Roebic SMP-1000-PAK-1 Septic System Maintenance Kit contains 4 quarts of Roebic’s exclusive concentrated bacterial products to keep your bothersome plumbing areas running trouble free
STEP 1: Roebic K-37 Septic Tank Remedy promotes the rapid breakdown of solids to reduce sludge and scum levels, resulting in reduced odors, less clogs and backups, and more efficient system operation
STEP 2: Roebic K-570 Leach and Drain Field Remedy helps to hastily break up clogged or sluggish drain fields, the primary reason for septic system failure, and restore proper drainage
STEP 3: Roebic K-87 SGP Soap, Grease, and Paper Digester naturally breaks down waste such as soap, detergents, grease, and paper to help ensure problem-free septic system operations
STEP 4: Roebic K-97 Main Line Cleaner naturally breaks down waste such as paper, sludge, fats & grease to quickly restore proper waft to your sewer lines or septic system
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